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How to deploy a web service on OpenShift


Learn how to containerize an application, create a deployment, and expose the service using HTTP.

OpenShift is a powerful platform that allows users to manage and scale applications easily in a containerized environment. While OpenShift is a great tool with many different capabilities, this tutorial focuses on doing the bare minimum to get an API up and exposed on a cluster.

This tutorial assumes that you have basic knowledge of container engines and API development.


Ensure you meet the following prerequisites to follow the steps in this tutorial:

The first few sections of this guide walk through how to containerize and publish your application to an image registry. If you want to use the sample application linked above and skip these steps, skip ahead to Create a deployment.

Containerize your application

So you’ve developed a web service—now what? First, you’ll need to add a Containerfile to your project’s root so that Podman can properly build a container image for your application. The exact contents of your Containerfile will depend on your application, but here is an example from the sample application I’m using:

FROM golang:alpine AS build-env
RUN mkdir /go/src/app && apk update && apk add git
ADD main.go go.mod go.sum /go/src/app/
WORKDIR /go/src/app
RUN go mod download && CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o app .

FROM scratch
COPY --from=build-env /go/src/app/app .
ENTRYPOINT ["./app"]

Use a multistage build in this situation. Note that you create two images in this Containerfile. The first image contains the necessary tools to build and compile the application. After you’ve built the application, you no longer need to hang on to any of those build tools and can copy the artifact to an empty “scratch” image. This makes for a smaller image—which means faster load times in the cluster—and a safer image since no lingering tools could be compromised.

Now you’re ready to build the image. Do this by running the following command in your terminal from the root directory of your project:

$ podman build . -t web-service-gin --platform linux/amd64
Successfully tagged

As shown above, this command should output an image ID. Note this ID, as you’ll need it later.

$ podman run -d --rm -p8080:8080 <image_id>

This command will output a container ID—you’ll need this later to clean up the running container.

At this point, your API should be available at localhost on your machine. For example, if you’ve been using my sample application for this tutorial, you should see the following output:

$ curl localhost:8080

Congratulations! You’ve successfully containerized your application, and you’re ready to move on to the next step. You can safely stop your container with the following command:

$ podman stop <container_id>

Publish your image

Now that you’ve built an image for your application, you need to publish it somewhere so that you can create an OpenShift deployment with it. For this tutorial, you’ll use Quay. If you have a Quay account, log into it now. Otherwise, create a new one.

Once logged in to the web console, create a new public repository with a name of your choosing. After you create the repository, push the image to it with the following command:

$ podman push <image_id><username>/<repository_name>:<tag>

Create a deployment

So you’ve built your REST API, containerized it, and even published it to an image registry. Now for the fun part—deploying the application on an OpenShift cluster.

In OpenShift, a Deployment object describes how to create or modify pods that hold a containerized application by defining the desired state of a particular component. Deployments create and manage how ReplicaSets are deployed. ReplicaSets orchestrate pod lifecycles and guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical pods. Deployments can be represented as YAML files, often kept within the project itself to ensure consistency across different environments.

While the fine details of a deployment file vary by application, here is the deployment file used in this sample application:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
   app: gin-app
 name: gin-app
 replicas: 2
     app: gin-app
       app: gin-app
       - image:
         imagePullPolicy: Always
         name: gin-app
           - containerPort: 8080

There’s a lot here, so I’ll break apart the parts of this file:

Apply the deployment

Now, you’re ready to apply the deployment to a cluster. Start by logging into your cluster through the OpenShift CLI. Then, create a new project with the following command:

$ oc new-project <project name>

Note that running new-project also moves you into the newly created namespace. For the sake of this tutorial, I’ve named my project gin-app.

Next, apply the deployment to the cluster:

$ oc apply -f <path to deployment file>

If this works, you should see your pods running in the namespace you created. Here is a sample output from applying the deployment from the previous section:

$ oc get pods
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
gin-app-76dc4f79b6-nxldg   1/1     Running   0          53s
gin-app-76dc4f79b6-x6jhb   1/1     Running   0          53s

Create a service

So now the application is running on pods in the cluster, but that’s not too valuable if you can’t make any requests to it. You need a service.

A Service object serves as a load balancer for the pods it manages and creates a DNS entry for other pods within the cluster to access it. While you can use a custom YAML file to create your service (similar to how you created a deployment), you can use OpenShift to create a service for your ReplicaSet by simply exposing the deployment:

$ oc expose deployment <deployment name>

If you’ve forgotten the name of your deployment, you can retrieve it with:

$ oc get deployment

Verify you created the service with:

$ oc get svc

And if you want to see more details about your service, see the generated YAML with:

$ oc get svc <svc name> -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  creationTimestamp: "2022-11-30T21:04:51Z"
    app: gin-app
  name: gin-app
  namespace: gin-app
  resourceVersion: "14092996"
  uid: 6f45b1a4-436e-45fc-99bd-239461b08880
  internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
  - IPv4
  ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    app: gin-app
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP
  loadBalancer: {}

Create a route

You deployed the application and created a service in place to manage traffic. All that’s left is to create a route. Routes in OpenShift allow applications to be hosted at a public URL. This example uses a secured route with default encryption. In the OpenShift CLI, run:

$ oc create route edge --service=gin-app --insecure-policy=Redirect

Verify the route’s creation:

$ oc get routes -o yaml <name of resource>

With the route created, you can finally test the API. The previous command should have shown your public URL at, however, you can also get it more directly with:

$ oc get route <route name> -ojson | jq -r ''

Then, you can curl this URL and see that the API responds:

$ curl -L
        "id": "1",
        "title": "Blue Train",
        "artist": "John Coltrane",
        "price": 56.99
        "id": "2",
        "title": "Jeru",
        "artist": "Gerry Mulligan",
        "price": 17.99
        "id": "3",
        "title": "Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown",
        "artist": "Sarah Vaughan",
        "price": 39.99

Wrap up

This tutorial took an application from scratch, deployed it on an OpenShift cluster, and publicly exposed it with HTTP. From containerizing the application to building a deployment and eventually exposing a service with a route, OpenShift provides a straightforward process to serve your web services publicly.

Article Reference: OpenShift

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